Member-only story
Just a Little High
I ditched booze and started microdosing marijuana
I don’t buy into the popular narrative that says Mellennials have it so much worse than the last several generations. I’m not convinced we’re really working that much harder than Gen Xers and Baby Boomers did. I think it’s the rapidity and ease of communication that’s created an echo chamber for people to whine in and we Millennials are just the first generation to take advantage of this newfound capacity to collectively waller in our inconveniences.
But let’s go with it for a bit. Let’s assume that it really is true. My fellow Mellennials and I are being squeezed as the last memories of the social contract in America fade and the era of unbridled inequality blossoms. Damn, that sounds bad. These awful circumstances must be why so many of us are depressed, anxious, and suicidal. Anyway, it’s clear we need to get control of our mental health before our perceptions of twenty-first century society drive us mad. The antidepressants don’t work half the time, and sometimes they make it worse. Benzos are good for a week, then you gotta mix ’em with a little alcohol to maintain an even keel. Then the booze is flowing and the productivity gone with the wind. Therapy, you say? What broke-ass Millennial has time for that shit?